flipper: "If the grid goes down, there ain't gonna be NO communication from the WT..."
Sure there will be communication, they'll just get creative like...
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
flipper: "If the grid goes down, there ain't gonna be NO communication from the WT..."
Sure there will be communication, they'll just get creative like...
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
konceptual99: "I downloaded the latest New Scientist and read that instead."
I hope that was an article on evolution.
a woman has a blood transfusion during pregnancy.
this blood, obviously, now constitutes the unborn child's circulation.
kid gets born, becomes of age and wants to become a jw.
The child might as well been an infant or toddler when transfused. No point in emphasizing that.
By the way, welcome to the forum.
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
stuckinarut2: "And we used to believe this stuff??"
We're the lucky few who came out. But please share anything about the meeting that you care to.
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
I'm suffering from insomnia tonight. Now with this picture in mind I'm afraid of getting to sleep.
have you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
One of the women is wearing slacksbut then they're all informally dressed.
One of the men shaves his head. Is that allowed? Or maybe he's just naturally bald.
It's getting late for me. I better get some sleep. But then I might dream of this.
new kindumb halls in a neighborhood near you.
notes and highlights from todays meeting.
opening statement about this meeting being a historic event, over 100k elders under the us branch together live from nyc..
"New KH’s will have big screen TV’s where the yearly text goes, the sound will have video, internet and a computer monitor."
So will they be taking these big screens into the basement during the Great Tribulation?